Meet the Fibblers
Jo Cavalot
Jo has been a decluttering and organising practitioner since 2017, through her business ‘DOTTYMOW’, helping people to create space, harmony and peace of mind by letting go of the things they no longer need. She has a natural ability to create and implement systems and organise both people and their things.
Jo has struggled with her own demons in life and when she began to learn more about people affected by hoarding behaviours she realised that this was an area she really wanted to specialise in, joining Hoarding Disorders UK CIC, supporting those in a recovery process from of all different kinds of issues.
Previously, Jo had a long career in the printing industry, working in a variety of roles from operations and production management to project director. Through her own journey of recovery from alcohol addiction since 2012, Jo has found ways to overcome her own response to trauma from the past and has spent a great deal of time supporting others with their issues too. Jo understands that any problem tends to be about more than what is on the surface and is empathetic and understanding in helping people with this.
Jo has founded ‘Under the Stuff’ to help people identify underlying trauma through a psychotherapeutic approach called Compassionate Inquiry (an approach based on the work of Dr. Gabor Mate) as well as other techniques. This is a huge passion which complements the work she does here at Fibble.

Sue Murphy
Sue Murphy is a neurodivergent woman and is an ILM qualified coach, trainer and facilitator specialising in enabling people to fulfil their potential and overcome barriers. She runs Sue Murphy Services and also works as an associate with other organisations providing coaching and workplace strategy support, particularly for adults with a range of neurodiverse conditions.
She specifically enjoys working with people who are wired differently to what is considered “typical”. People who are brilliant, bright, full of ideas and often utterly baffled because everyday tasks that “should” be easy seem so difficult (this is particularly true for people living with the talents and challenges that come with neurodiversity).
Sue has worked for herself since 2010 after a career in a variety of public services, supporting people to make the most of their strengths and resources in one way or another.
She has always known that while she is bright, has great communication skills and a passion for tackling social and other inequalities, she is also clumsy, a bit messy and disorganised and easily distracted. This has been a problem for Sue and getting a diagnosis of dyspraxia when she was 62 was a game-changer.
In 2015 Sue qualified as a management coach and mentor and has been working in her coaching practice since, and now specialises in working with people with neurodiverse conditions including those working in their own businesses.